A recreational vehicle is like a miniature house on wheels, designed to allow you to live in it for at least a short time, perhaps longer. As such, it has many of the amenities that a home would have, including a refrigerator. However, an RV refrigerator is usually very different from one that you might have in your home or apartment. Here is a look at some of the key differences.
Power Source
A residential refrigerator can only function on AC current. However, an RV fridge can run on multiple power sources depending on what is available at a given time. A three-way RV refrigerator can run on propane gas, direct current (i.e., battery power), or alternating current as needed. A two-way RV unit has less capability, only able to run on propane or AC current.
If you need RV refrigerator repair Central Texas, you need to be sure that the technician has specific knowledge of how an RV fridge works because it is typically different than that found in homes. A residential refrigerator keeps temperatures low by using a compressor to cool down the inside. An RV unit absorbs the heat from the inside of the compartment using tubes of cooling chemicals.
Size and Weight
An RV fridge is usually more compact than a residential one, offering approximately six to eight cubic feet of storage capacity. Residential refrigerators generally offer much more capacity. There are two reasons for the smaller size of the RV fridge. First, it is a space-saving measure in close quarters, and second, RV fridges typically aren’t intended for long-term storage. Though smaller in capacity, an RV refrigerator is proportionately heavier than a residential fridge. This is to stabilize it when the RV is on the road.
Until recently, an RV fridge was the only option available for a recreational vehicle. However, as RVs grow larger and owners demand more capacity and home-like comforts, residential fridges are increasingly more commonplace within them.